Test d anglais B1 – A study of phrasal verbs with come

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Ce flash test d anglais correspond à un niveau B1+

There are lots of phrasal verbs with come.

What do the highlighted phrasal verbs mean in these sentences?Test d anglais

1 “How is your thesis going?” “It’s coming along well, thanks.”

2 I came across this old photo of you in the attic. You had a lot more hair then!

3 No one believed that the stuntman could jump 20 buses on his bike, but the stunt came
off and everyone cheered.

4 Hello Giles, I’ve just come by to give you your lawnmower back, I won’t stay long.

5 He came into a lot of money when his father died. He left him his whole estate.

6 “Is that album new?” “Yes, it came out last week.”

7 The issue of the pay freeze came up in the meeting.

8 I bought these shoes two weeks ago and they have come apart already. I’m going to take them back right now.


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A propos de l'auteur

Olivier Haquet
Olivier est le dirigeant et fondateur d'ADomLingua, société spécialisée dans le domaine des langues. Groupe fondé il y a 10 ans avec une orientation résolument qualitative et une offre en formation linguistique de plus en plus variée. Avant tout entrepreneur et de culture internationale, Olivier a, après un début de carrière aux USA , eté associé à différents projets et startups.

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